Friday, September 22, 2006


The Season Two DVD of The Office is tremendous, simply for the abundance of deleted scenes. It's amazing....they have up to twenty minutes of fresh, solid material that doesn't make the 24 minute cut on NBC. In some episodes, there are entire plot lines that are tremendous. What a tour de force. In 'The Fire' episode alone, you get to a)be there when Dwight sees Ryan put his lunch in the toaster b) hear Kevin's 5 desert island movies and c) witness a Michael/Dwight confab in Michael's office in which they are brainstorming the 10 business rules to present to Ryan.

Also, I just realized that Ryan's last name is Howard. That's strange right? I was just whining about Ryan Howard, the big, African American baseball player, right below....and now I'm not sure which Ryan Howard had a better year.

While I was getting the picture to the right on Amazon, I came across this:

Did You Know Sells Engagement Rings?

The home page is pushing engagement rings right now. I can't imagine that would go over well. I'm sure the product is fine, and I use Amazon all the time. But buying your engagement ring on Amazon, well, seems like something Michael Scott would do. And that's only funny in Scranton.

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