Thursday, October 19, 2006

"The biggest winner in the history of Plinko!"

Still home sick today. Still feel terrible. Figured I'd at least cite one of the great sick day traditions of all-time though....namely, The Price is Right. I didn't have many sick days when I was a kid because Mrs. Clarke was a stickler for perfect attendence. It was always, "go try it and see how you feel. If you're still sick you can get dismissed." I had to be running a fever in the 102-104 range to get a day off. But, anyhow, on the odd chance I did catch a sick day you can be sure I was catching that day's Showcase Showdown. And, if I was really lucky, I'd get a Plinko to boot. Like this one...


Machon said...

We used the Plinko framework to play Drinko a few years back. The board was a product of some really impressive craftmanship. Good times

Unknown said...

i made a drinko board when i lived in the got messy